• 南风

  • 马拉斯表面上是一家车行的修车工,但暗地里却做着偷车的营生。一次他在外出工作时自做主张偷了一辆黑色奔驰车,却发现自己无意中卷入了一场地下毒品交易和谋杀案中,因而遭到了警察局长斯图帕尔和黑帮头目戈卢布的双重追击。为了不牵连家人,马拉斯只能投靠与黑帮有勾结的斯图帕尔,从此踏上了一条命运未知的道路。
  • How easy is it for desperate youngsters to become dangerous gangsters in a decaying society washed all over by the blood of war Fairly easy indeed. Rane shows incidents, probably somewhat facts, that took place in Serbia of the war era. Things similar to what you see on this film could happen virtually everywhere, but this film gives a very Yugoslavian feeling to everything. Yugo style mafia, Yugo style murder, and all that. Revolting politicians and their greed are to blame, not only the desperate young men who lose their reasoning while trying to be someone. The film and the casting is overall successful, and it's so very Serbian. I recommend it to anyone who.. well anyone who likes a good film. But don't expect anything American style on this one, as I say it's Yugo to the bone.
  • 1958年,冷战期间,在贝尔格莱德附近的温卡科学研究所,两位科学家、两个世界和两种意识形态面临着一场生存考验。