• 格雷(菲利普·拉肖PhilippeLacheau饰)是“借口.com”公司的创始人,专门为需要“打掩护”的客户制造各种各样的借口和谎言。因为特殊的性质和高需求,公司的经营蒸蒸日上。一次偶然中,格雷邂逅了名为弗洛(艾罗娣·方坦ÉlodieFontan饰)的女子,弗洛的天真和单纯深深的吸引着格雷,令后者坠入情网。格雷深信,她就是他命中注定要寻找的另一半。然而,令格雷头疼的是,弗洛是一个对“撒谎”零容忍的的人,如果告诉了她自己的真实身份,她一定会愤怒的拂袖而去。无奈之下,格雷只得用谎言将自己重重包装,在虚伪的假面下,格雷终于和弗洛走到了一起,可是当他到弗洛家做客时才发现,弗洛的父亲竟然就是自己的客户。
  • 奈莉(艾曼纽·贝阿 Emmanuelle Béart 饰)和男友相恋多年,死心塌地的想要和这个男人携手步入婚姻的殿堂。然而男友实为好吃懒做之人,为了维持生计,奈莉不得不奔波在街头,靠着打零工的收入养家,心中不免充满了愤恨。一次偶然中,奈莉结识了名为阿尔诺(米歇尔·塞罗 Michel Serrault 饰)的男子,阿尔诺是一名德高望重的法官,两人相谈甚欢。阿尔诺聘用了奈莉,任命她为自己的私人助理,给与其丰厚的报酬,奈莉更是因此邂逅了风流潇洒的出版商文森特(让·雨果·安格拉德 Jean-Hugues Anglade 饰)。一来二去之间,奈莉和文森特之间碰撞出了激情的火花,但与此同时,奈莉发现阿尔诺竟然亦对自己抱有别样的感情。
  • Angela thinks that she has an ideal life. She lives in Nice, in a beautiful apartment, with a handsome husband and a charming teenage daughter. But on Christmas Eve, her daughter leaves her to get together with her boyfriend, her husband dumps her and her best gal pal prefers to take sleeping pills than spend the evening with Angela. It comes as a total shock. Angela has no other choice than to take a thorough look at herself and to piece herself together... which isn't easy with her tyrannical mother, an hysterical gal pal, and a psychiatrist who employs experimental methods.