• 碧翠絲的新書出版了,書中記錄了她老公的不幸意外,也提及她最好的一群朋友。那場意外徹底改變了他們的生活。碧翠絲沒想到的是,這本書竟會引來一場風暴。雖然她已使用虛構的角色名字,但好友們仍然紛紛對號入座,彼此間的感情也因此出現了裂痕。究竟這場暴風雨之後會不會出現晴天呢?
  • Juliette's problem is that she is totally incapable of making up her mind about anything. So even at 40, she still asks her father and her two best friends to choose everything for her. When her love life crosses the road of Paul then of Stephen, as charming and different as the other, necessarily, the heart of Juliette swings. For the first time, nobody can decide for her .