• 就在罗亚被抛弃的伊朗记者准备从伊朗移民到丹麦的两周前,在丈夫的坚持下,她遇到了一个安静的年轻女孩。女孩似乎迷失了,不记得任何事情。罗亚接受谢林,不知道这个女孩已经放弃了她以前的生活,现在取代了罗亚。几天后,罗亚发现她将被禁止离开伊朗,除非她把同事卖给政府当局。在罗亚拒绝背叛她的朋友后不久,这个年轻女孩窃取了罗亚的身份,并在罗亚丈夫巴巴克的帮助下接管了她的生活。当罗亚战斗商店掩盖她的身份时,她惊讶地意识到,没有人记得她了,每个人都把失去的女孩当作她。罗亚被赶出家门,当局决定将罗亚放逐到另一种生活,成为一名名叫哈妮的被动家庭主妇。
  • 17-year-old Liv has just moved to London with her mother Ann and little sister Mia, where she meets the mysterious Henry, who has an extraordinary ability. Namely, he possesses the ability of lucid dreaming. But this kind of adventuring and playing with dreams can become very dangerous. An exciting and engaging youth adventure film based on the highly successful youth novel of ...