• 监制贾达·萍克·史密斯带来的这部纪录片剧集探索极具影响力的著名非洲女王的生活。这一季的主角是埃及艳后,她是世界上最著名、最有权势但也蒙受最多误解的女性,她是一位大胆的女王,她的美丽和风流韵事掩盖了她真正的财富:她的智慧。克丽奥佩脱拉的影响一直是许多学术争论的主题,而好莱坞往往忽略了这一点。现在,我们的纪录片剧集将重新审视她人生故事中这一引人入胜的部分。
  • 圣诞节快到了,工作缠身的霍华德(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)早把对儿子的圣诞礼物的承诺丢到脑后了――他答应送儿子一个涡轮超人作为圣诞礼物。这天,经过妻子提醒,霍华德一大早就跑到玩具商店抢购,在玩具商店他结识了同为人父的邮递员马鲁(辛贝 Sinbad 饰),无奈涡轮超人一早都已卖光,两人只能失望而归。失望的霍华德几乎没有勇气回家面对儿子失望的眼神,他在街上游荡时碰上了冬季大游行。稀里糊涂的他竟被拉上了花车扮演真人版涡轮超人,按照要求涡轮超人可以挑选一名孩子参加游戏并奖给他一个涡轮超人,霍华德在人群中发现了儿子的身影。当他将儿子挑选上来时,却发现扮演反派的竟然是马鲁,马鲁亦要尽力为儿子争取这最后一个涡轮超人!
  • The film tells the story of three people for a year a son (Magimel) diagnosed with cancer, a mother (Deneuve) suffering from helplessness and a doctor (Cécile de France) to do her job One year and four seasons for these three characters to deal with the disease, to tame it, and to understand what it means to die while alive.
  • Hopeful romantic Thibault believes his luck could change when sparks fly between him and Rose. But can he go from bestie to boyfriend.
  • An amiable picture about entering adulthood, great dreams, and the first - forbidden - love of a white postman, Jakub, and a pretty Gypsy girl, Jolanka. This is a poetic story, a mosaic of the playful world springing from the wild imagination of the village postman and its clash with the pragmatic mundane reality that finally beats the rosy dream's of the young protagonists. Director Dusan Hanak and screenwriter Dusan Dusek's most popular film has been cherished by critics as well as wide audiences at home arid abroad.
  • In this film, a couple, after seeing the lovely job a friend of theirs has done in converting an old mill house into a cozy mansion, moves into an old farmhouse after persuading the current owner, an old man, to leave. When they arrive, he appears to be preparing to leave, but it soon becomes evident that the man has no intention of going to live with his children, and intends to stay in the house. At first, they find his presence unbearable, but when he must go to the hospital, they begin to realize that they care for the feisty old gentleman.~ Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide
  • 火箭手

    《火箭人》(The Rocketeer)是迪士尼1991年推出的电影,故事题材是由 Dave Stevens 同名的图文小说改编而成。本片是发生在1930年代的好莱坞,有一个军方的秘密武器意外落在一位竞技表演飞行员 Cliff Secord 手中,他对此一推进器颇感惊奇, 最后他背上了这付怪东西、戴上面具,成了行侠仗义的『火箭人』,然而各方人马都想夺得这项秘密武器,尤其有一位好莱坞影坛的知名男演员 Neville Sinclair ,他其实是纳粹潜伏在好莱坞的情报份子,为了夺得火箭,他还挟持了 Cliff 的女友 Jenny Blake,火箭人 Cliff 于是展开他的救援行动。本片由《亲爱的我把孩子缩小了》、《野蛮游戏》、《侏罗纪公园3》以及《百胜天龙》影集的知名导演 Joe Johnston 所执导,他同时也是《星际大战》系列的特效大师。至于演员方面,男主角 Cliff 由 Bill Campbell 担任,女主角则是 Jennifer Connelly,至于片中那位大反派间谍演员,则是由曾演过007的 Timothy Dalton 担任。本片配乐的是 James Horner ,原本原声带都已经绝版多年,但在前几年《铁达尼号》造成发烧的时候, James Horner 的作品又造成热潮,迪士尼旗下的好莱坞唱片于是再版发行了这张电影原声带,如今则又绝版了。